How to build a modern best practice enterprise application on-premise or in the cloud

This is a summary of the key points of my presentation at the Victoria.Net users group, held at Microsoft in Melbourne, Australia, with a few added points thrown in for extra value.

Developing large scale applications is hard, and never before have we been under so much pressure to be efficient with our time. It is imperitive that we spend as little time as we can on unproductive infrastructure code and as much of our time actually implementing the domain/business services logic.

For some reason, many enterprise architects promote leaving performance to the end of the development process. They decide on an architecture, get all their developers to build it, and then when it gets to the end of the development process, wonder why the application runs so slowly. They haven’t even done a basic performance test, to see if any of their assumptions were correct, and at the end of the process sometimes discover serious flaws in the architecture of their sites requiring considerable rework, and occasionally a complete rewrite is required.

In a previous post, I showed statistics produced by Watt’s Humphrey, known as the father of Software Engineering, where he shows the cost of discovering and rectifying defects in their respective project phases. The later you find defects in the development process, the more expensive they are to rectify, so if you wait to the end of a project before dealing with an issue that should have been rectified at the start of the project, it could cost you magnitudes more than if you at least have an attempt at dealing with performance from the start. You can find that post here.

Another issue with large scale web sites is configuration. Most configuration is found in web.config files or app.config files within a .net application. Within a web site, if you modify the web.config file, it resets the web server to refresh the configuration settings. One environment I worked in had a web farm that consisted of 8 web servers. Because of the use of web.config settings and also Enterprise Application Blocks, which heavily utilise configuration files, they were always running into problems with servers that have their configuration out-of-synch, and also have an unstable state during the update. And they still are.

So on Tuesday night, I showed a comprehensive end-to-end application that demonstrates an n-tier, service-oriented architecture that is considered best practice. It also allows on-premise, hybrid and cloud-based tiers. For people that are struggling with the whole “to cloud or not to cloud” arguments, this allows you to hedge your bets. If this point has been holding back project development, you don’t need to worry. This architecture allows you to build an on-premise application, then move it to the cloud at a later date, for very little extra cost, if there is a movement to do so.

The features are:

A configuration block. The configuration block is at the heart of the application. It enables you to centralise configuration for all the tiers of your application. It provides a web based portal for making modifications. When you make changes to configuration, those changes are automatically updated on the server.

Centralised exception handling and errors.

Centralised logging.

A service map. The service map shows a visual representation of all your tiers, where they are hosted, what instances are running, what databases you are running, and it even allows you to drill down into a database and see latency figures and the least performing and most CPU intensive queries. Using the service map, you are able to see any servers that become unavailable, for whatever reason. The architecture actually implements polling of all the component instances, so you’ll know pretty much straight away if any of the services aren’t available.

A large scale application project structure that you can use, separating User Interface, Business Services Logic and Database.

A database layer that is optimised for performance. This was at the heart of the performance tests against IBM WebSphere, so if there was a faster way of interacting with the database, I would be absolutely shocked. Microsoft has to be able to push as many transactions per second as possible through this system. They have to outperform IBM WebSphere, which they do dramatically. (IBM WebSphere is 6 times more expensive for the same grunt.)

A benchmarking tool that allows you to test your architectural choices. What happens with this architecture if you make the wrong choice? Nothing. The application has been designed so that you can change where your tiers are hosted, at runtime, on the fly! So you are protected against making the wrong choice.

I should point out that I demonstrated all of this. I started by running the application fully in-proc. Then I moved the business services layer to be IIS hosted. I was able to show this on the visual service map. Then I switched the application over to a business service layer hosted in the cloud. When I showed the service map, it looked awesome.

There are full instructions on how to set up the application. The installer only takes about 5 to 10 minutes to install everything. It is rich with documentation and it includes full instructions on how to configure Azure to have different tiers, how to install digital certificates, and ensure that all the communication channels are encrypted.

I mentioned that if you host a business services layer in Azure, then you can supply digital certificates to any company that you would like to use that service. So any company can integrate with the business services layer without you having to worry about them gaining access to your network.

I explained how the load balancing works. You can have as many servers you like in the web farm, and the requests are round-robined to each of the services.

I spoke about how to integrate the configuration block into your own application, and also demonstrated the Visual Studio template provided to generate the basic application layers, which include the configuration block.

The application itself was written by Gregory Leake. Gregory is the Technical Product Manager at Microsoft for the SQL Azure and Azure AppFabric teams. The application was first written around 2006, and is now at version 5. Thousands and thousands and thousands of hours have gone into thinking through the mass of scenarios that you might need to consider, and spent on coding this application. At the time of writing, this application has been evolving for 6 years. The application, including a working demonstration of the running Azure version, may be found here:

I guess my final message here is that in order to be more efficient in your coding, you need to simplify. Forget over complicated tricky designs. All that will happen is that they will be difficult to maintain. Spend as little time as you can on infrastructure code. If you can find a framework such as this that has all these goodies already provided, then embrace it. There is no way you can develop all this efficiently in short timeframes, and why would you want to anyway? It’s just reinventing the wheel. Take it on and use it within your environment. Then spend most of your time building your application, and not the infrastructure to support it.

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